Fire Department Software
One seamlessly integrated productivity suite
We’ve Taken The Grunt Work Out of Building Your Policy Manual
In our discussions with Chiefs, it’s clear they need a simple, understandable, and readily accessible policy manual. Staff need to know what is expected of them. Communicating policies clearly increases compliance by focusing your staff’s attention, resources, and capabilities. The question becomes what is preventing chiefs from making progress in pulling a manual together? The problem is that manuals are notoriously hard to build, deliver, and maintain.
Our approach addresses policy manual development with a simple strategy. We recognize that specific, unique policies are needed across a wide variety of operations.
We have deep experience with fire operations and best practices. We will skillfully guide you through policy development, resulting in a completed, comprehensive, and effective cloud-enabled manual.
stationSMARTS’ policyBuilder rethinks how policies and manuals get built with hands-on expertise.
We know how to:
- Convert and format your existing policies to a web-based format
- Distill from our extensive template library, policies that best meet your needs
- Edit these templates for your operation
- Deploy the best document organization and numbering scheme
- Enable staff reviewing and commenting on draft policies
- Cloud enable the manual for easy staff access
- Maintain your manual year-in and year-out
Here is a link to demo policy manual
We want a meaningful engagement focused on helping you to have the best policy manual possible.