Platform Capabilities of our Fire Department Software

The Most Full-Featured Records Management Software for Fire Departments

Built for Fire Chiefs by Fire Chiefs

fire prevention / community risk reduction

Seamlessly receive & process burn permit requests through a paperless workflow and a highly flexible interface.


Complete code enforcement in the field including emailing the inspection results. No additional data entry is required back at the office.

Pre-Fire data in your hands – when you most need to see the location of standpipes, floor plans, lockboxes, and many other key objects.

Consolidated views of property activities: each inspection, permit and run – permitting and inspections are fully integrated into this module.

Manage every aspect of alarm boxes: record type, number, make, circuit, activation date, battery replacement dates, key location, etc.

Hydrant Mapping

Using Google Maps, identify the locations of both serviceable and OOS hydrants, along with make, model, & other information.


NFIRS Reporting

NFIRS reporting simplified – save time with our easy-to-use forms, create & save templates, optimized for tablets & iPads.

With the transition to NERIS, the role of fire chiefs will expand to include more comprehensive data oversight and strategic planning. stationSMARTS has begun development on its NERIS module, as part of the continuing cycle of upgrades and refinements.

Track and report on any type of department activity: meetings, house chores, radio checks, walk-ins, etc.

Notify staff via text or email with stationSMARTS’ broadcast feature, or push messages to the whiteboard.

StationSMARTS integrated with the dispatch CAD system issues run alerts with pre-fire plan data.

Share hydrants and pre-plans with mutual aid partners – hydrant GIS data is turned into an interactive Google map.

Data Dashboard

Turn data into analytics, analytics into insight and insight into better decisions by mapping all your data.

View active runs, scheduled training and inspections, messages, notices, apparatus OOS, daily roster, OOS box alarms, etc.

training and PERSONNEL

Training & Certifications

Easily track detailed training, driver licenses and credentials, all linked to OSHA, NFPA, and ISO compliance, and assess individual progress.


Track certifications, assigned gear, driver licenses, completed training and carcinogenic exposure.

Track time and attendance for on-duty staff, administration and details with one interface – categorize call backs, swaps, OT, training and more.

Firefighters struggle to gather proof that on-the-job toxic exposures are linked to their cancer. Our platform automatically marks hazardous runs based on dispatch codes.

Apparatus & equipment maintenance

stationSMARTS automates tracking apparatus parts, labor, invoices and maintenance costs.

Equipment Management

Track purchase and service dates, cost, part number, model, service companies, associated grants and planned replacement year.

Automate your apparatus inspections – build your own custom iPad apparatus checklists for each apparatus. Easily schedule, perform and document your truck checks.


Tweak stationSMARTS as needed – automate repetitive and timely tasks.

Use stationSMARTS to its fullest potential? We’ll help you get there.

Software Capabilities for Fire Departments

Enhance response efficiency with accurate, comprehensive and readily available data for real-time critical decision making. Save time on records management with stationSMARTS fully integrated suite of 15 applications. Elevate department readiness with easy-to-use applications, while gaining the level of operational efficiency you’ve been looking for.

stationSMARTS software simplifies all aspects of reporting by automatically consolidating and linking all critical information to the site address: permits, runs, NFIRS reports, log book activities, pre-plans and inspections . Our technology harnesses precision and speed to transform how staff capture, share and review department information, fostering a more efficient and insightful decision-making process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key features and capabilities of stationSMARTS fire department software?

Designed after decades of working with both career and volunteer departments stationSMARTS software has become a single solution designed to enhance the operational efficiency of all aspects of fire service activities, ranging from pre-plans, incident reporting and fire inspection tasks to asset management and tracking mutual aid. The key capabilities include streamlining data entry with linkage to computer-aided dispatch systems, ensuring NFPA and ISO compliance, along with data dashboards analyzing key aspects of department performance and resources.

How can fire department software improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of daily operations?

Our software streamlines daily operations by automating tasks, enhancing communication and enabling you to customize stationSMARTS to match your work flow. Thus, making data management consistent, predictable, coherent and less demanding. In other words easy-to-use. Configure StationSMARTS using the department’s terms so the language is familiar to staff upon implementation. With customized drop-down menus using familiar terms, staff quickly realize accurate, timely and valuable information is readily accessible.

Additionally, logically managed workflow facilitates effective collaboration providing staff a daily activity status, who’s doing what, when it is scheduled, an awareness of when training and required maintenance is upcoming, completed or past due. All applications are linked eliminating the need for double data entry.

This optimized user experience helps increase productivity, reduces errors and improves reporting. Our platform makes your real time data easily available to staff who need it, wherever they are, from iPads and any windows device.

What types of records can be managed and accessed?

Our software provides a single operating system for managing all critical records, ranging from incident reports, daily logs and training records, to tracking gear utilizing QR codes to tag equipment and apparatus daily check lists. This multifaceted solution enables command staff to access and report on key information swiftly, ensuring NFPA, ISO and OSHA compliance.

How does fire department software help with incident reporting and data entry?

Consistency in NFIRS reporting is now achievable.

Our NFIRS interface incorporates easy created narrative templates linked to each run code, which automatically inserts a customized template, outline or a bulleted list into the narrative field based on the NFIRS coding. Easy build and manage customized special studies to capture seasonal or run specific information. Track detailed mutual aid, both given and taken, within the NFIRS report. Easy track all actions as unlimited actions can be recorded.

Link staff to runs and any hazardous exposures they may have experienced; including smoke, trauma and bodily fluids. Supporting remarks fields enables all responding apparatus to document their actions. Search on any word across the entire 100-900 series to identify the correct code.

Optimized for mobility, complete reports with a tablet or iPad. Built-in quality NFIRS approval tools provide feedback to reporting officers. No NFIRS kick backs once submitted, as submissions are pre-tested for compliance.

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