Stellar Support
One-on-One with a Dedicated Project Manager
Use stationSMARTS to its Fullest Potential
We’ll help you get there.
We are routinely told by Chiefs that they are frustrated given they use a very small portion of their existing software’s capability.
Whenever we asked why this is the case, they say:
- Staff has not been sufficiently trained
- The existing system is difficult to use
- Software settings are not properly configured
- The software provider doesn’t address nagging issues
- There is no ongoing effort to software implementation
- There are additional costs for training, which has not been budgeted
Because of these roadblocks there is typically poor adoption of the existing software by staff resulting in a low impact on the operation. Bottom Line – your department is not realizing the benefits of the software you presently use.
We’ve thought through and solved these persistent and difficult road blocks to effective implementation.
We want to see you use our platform to its full potential. And we’ll help you do so. Subscribing to stationSMARTS means we work for you. We strive for user satisfaction, ongoing and supportive team work with our users and more effective communications. We want to align with your department objectives and contribute to your vision of the departments effectiveness and overall performance.
Real time expertise exactly when you need it

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee:
Within the first subscription year, if for any reason, you should decide our solution is not the best for your department we’ll refund your full cost. Make sure to ask this of our competition, none of them offer this!